
Showing posts from November, 2015


The Subject of Our Preaching Some Leaders of the Church of Pentecost in 2015 The Kingdom of God This refers to the reign of Christ in the hearts of His followers, and therefore the benefits of His reign as well as the collective constituents. Merrill F. Unger points out that it “embraces all created intelligences both in Heaven and on earth, who are willingly subject to God and thus in fellowship with Him” (Unger’s Bible Dictionary, 1988, p740). Easton’s Bible Dictionary notes that the term is synonymous with the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Christ and of God, as well as the Kingdom or even the Kingdom of David in the New Testament. First use of the Term and Definition The in the New Testament, the term appears first in the Lord’s Prayer in the Gospel of St. Matthew. However, it developed in the Old Testament, as the Jews always looked forward to the restoration of their independence perpetually under a righteous King, the Messiah. This might be the reason wh...


How the Nature of God forms in Us for the Accomplishment of the Church's Mission Main Reading: Php 3:2-21 Heb 10:19-39    Excellence of knowledge comes by active appreciation and therefore application of your revelation of Jesus, to move beyond the second-hand or mere mental conceptions to experiential knowledge to your own testimony/confidence of Him, that has great reward.   Knowing Him holds exceedingly great value because He is:    1. God – One with ultimate power, at least gives you an idea of how to access authority.   2. Saviour – One who is able to forgive sins, at least puts you back in a blameless stead   3. Lord – One with all authority in Heaven and on Earth makes you direct participant in His power.  Knowing What God has Done    1. God created all that there is (Gen 1, Psalm 146:6)   2. God showed His love and glimpses of His justice and grace to Adam and...


Five Proclamations of the Blood of Jesus Main Readings: Luke 4:18-19 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes . (1Cor 11:26 NKJV) But you have come to …  Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel (Heb 12:22-24 NKJV) Introduction The blood of Abel, who was killed by his brother, most probably called for vengeance (just recompense, See Gen 4:10-16), which, though in itself not bad, God has reserved for Himself (Heb 10:30). The blood of Jesus however made room for the offender to escape the just consequences of his sin through repentance, and inherit even far more than he had before the fall. Blood is used in the Bible as evidence of death, or life given. God alone gives and has the right to take life. Under the Old Covenant, for example, when life was wilfully taken without recourse to God, the offender forfeited every right to his own ...