HOW TO SILENCE THE GATES OF HELL AND SET CAPTIVES FREE MAIN TEXTS: MATTHEW 16:18, ACTS 4:23-31 Jesus asked His disciples to make disciples of all nations. The leaders of an unbelieving nation (people in land under one government) or tribe (a society or division of a society whose members have ancestry, customs, beliefs, and leadership in common) invariably develop systems by which they lord over their people (See Mat 20:24-25). The systems of bondage usually include belief systems, by which the leaders claim supernatural rights that their people are made to believe they have neither right nor capacity to challenge. The leaders themselves may not believe in the efficacy or integrity of these belief systems, but since they serve their purpose of oppression they defend them to the hilt. When any type of liberation for their people approach, they like to convince them that that their de facto rule is better and that they should rather rise up against the oncoming interventi...