Study Passage : All 4 Chapters of Ruth. Summarizing Passages : Ruth 1:11 – 18; 4:13 - 17 Introduction: The Book of Ruth seems to be more about Naomi’s prowess than Ruth’s. Ruth followed the lead of Naomi and entered into the majestic inheritance of the Royal Davidic and Messianic lineage. She could not have foreseen this, but the principles that she applied through the various seasons of her life made her stand out. Every woman has very valuable lessons to learn from Naomi. Naomi took her fear of the Lord very seriously and practically. In Marriage – She stuck to her husband, though to leave Israel to Moab (outcasts in Israel) was not prime option (Ephrata meant fruitful, and Bethlehem meant home of bread), being of the kingship line of Judah – she followed the realism of her husband and was not foolhardy! – She stood with her sons in their choices of wives, although, ideall...