
Showing posts from November, 2011


Keeping Going, Even When You Do Not See Results By Pastor David Nyansah Hayfron (Youth Director) Friday Devotional Exhortation at Headquarters Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Three Key Aspects of Faith Hebrews 11 draws our attention to three irreducible aspects of faith that must inform our meditation today 1. Believe He is – Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Immutable, Eternal This means live, walk and work with this in mind and heart always, though you do not see Him. He does not say faith is seeing, as the very wrong human axiom “ seeing is believing ” puts it. Anything short of this is not an expression of faith. 2. He rewards faith – whether in this life or the next. Blessing in this life is beautiful and soothing, but reward in the hereafter is more valuable. Either way, God definitely rewards every act of fa

Uncle Ato's MENSURO

MENSURO Mensuro o (3x), yewo Nyame a yenye no nam, Oko twa nsuo a ne nan anka nsuo. Judah ebusua kuw mu Gyata, Sahen ne Nkunimdi Frankaa, Gyansrama a opue Mose nsraban do e, Okofo Joshua n'akokyem. Adze nyinaa Fapem nye ne Farebae Odomankoma, Nyansabuakwa a onyim adze nyinaa, ansaana wiadze bebo adze. Abankese a odze murunkum ne ogya fadum gye ne mba taataa, Kokrombotsir a wokwetsir no bo pow a, onnye yie, Okorsa ne mba tow n'abaw a, onhyia e, Tsetsebotan ene akrobeto Nyame, Bekyebo a onnyi ewie na onnyi ahyese. Tsetsebo a opaa ma nsu ma ne mba wo asaase kesee so, wi mu nnye no sakyera na, yenye no nam a yennsuro. Se nea anoma okode di ne mba ho afoofie no, okura hen mu wo n'ataban so ma hen nan ammpem bo dabiara da. Ntsi wo w'edzifir mu o, wo fi mbae mu o, Nyame ne wo nam a, ennsuro, fi se nea otse hen mu no, oso sen nea owo wiase, wokyekyer kyekyer a erenbo pow, wohyehye, hyehye a, ebedwiri. Apem betoto wo benkum, na opedu atoto wo ninfa, weniwa nkoa na wo